RISE_ Mental Health Project
RISE Project is a U-TENA in partnership with Brown University (USA) students being implemented in Viwandani Mukuru Nairobi among 120 adolescents. The methodology implied is through focus group discussion (FGDs) and one- on -one psychological support model with the use of Problem Management Plus tools designed by the World Health Organization with an objective to reduce the burden of common mental health problems among people who are faced with adversity and in need not able to access appropriate care...More
Jichanue_Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Project
GOAL: U-Tena and HIVOS partners in Enhancing access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights services through youth responsive services in the informal settlements of Mukuru Nairobi Kenya...More
Imarisha Maisha_HIV Testing, Treatment and care Project
Imarisha Maisha is U-Tena’s HIV project in partnership with Aids Healthcare Foundation Kenya. U-Tena enjoys support of the Ministry of Health through the sub-county health management team led by the subcounty Aids and STIs coordinators. In three years- 2018 to 2020 U-Tena managed to test 31673 people and successfully linked 92 % of reactive clients in line with 90-90-90 UNAID goal.The testing strategies include Facility testing, assisted partner notifications aPNS and rapid response initiative (RRI).
U-Tena currently works in Langata, Makadara, Embakasi East and Westland subcounties in Nairobi Kenya... More
U-Tena currently works in Langata, Makadara, Embakasi East and Westland subcounties in Nairobi Kenya... More
Angaza_Adolescent and Young People Sexual Reproductive Health Rights Project
Angaza Mentorship Project is a U-Tena in partnership with Aids Healthcare Foundation Kenya being implemented in Viwandani among Adolescents& Young People(AYP). Currently, we are working with Star of Hope Secondary school specifically 15 form 1 students who are the ambassadors of their various streams. We use different approaches and methodologies in disseminating ASRH information to the selected AYPs. Using the adolescents’ guide by the ministry of health Understanding Adolescents which has deep, vivid, and clear insights on how to combat AYPs issues, approaches, airing, and also ways to mitigate challenges they face in the community set-up.
DR-TB_TB Reach Wave 9
U-Tena Youth Organization is working with Population Services Kenya through the TB Reach Wave 9 project is carrying out patient socioeconomic support services for drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients on treatment to optimize quality of care and improved treatment adherence and outcomes in 2 high DR-TB burden county_Nairobi.
Under this project U-Tena facilitates individuals on drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) treatment to access psychosocial support services and also jump-start economic recovery from the financial catastrophic effects of DR-TB on them and their families.
This is done through, supporting enrolled drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients establish psychological peer support groups act as a platform for strengthening treatment adherence among the patients during treatment and upporting enrolled DR-TB patient’s to carryout income generating activities (IGAs) in groups which will act as economic booster from the effects of the disease burden.
Under this project U-Tena facilitates individuals on drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) treatment to access psychosocial support services and also jump-start economic recovery from the financial catastrophic effects of DR-TB on them and their families.
This is done through, supporting enrolled drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients establish psychological peer support groups act as a platform for strengthening treatment adherence among the patients during treatment and upporting enrolled DR-TB patient’s to carryout income generating activities (IGAs) in groups which will act as economic booster from the effects of the disease burden.